Dr. Jennifer Foster was a parent of a beautiful daughter who went through raging temper tantrums lasting four to five hours about two to three times per week. After visiting endless pediatricians and doctors, nobody could help. Through prayer, Dr. Jenn landed a job at a chiropractic office that practiced the way she practices today. Her first impression of her boss was one of serious skepticism because of his alternative methods. After dealing with another tantrum, the chiropractor she worked for told Dr. Jenn to bring in her daughter for an appointment. Within 24 hours of the first chiropractic visit with her daughter Dr. Jenn had a completely different child. That’s when she knew she had to become a chiropractor. She had to help other parents save the lives of their children and in turn save their own lives. In essence, Dr. Jenn is a Holistic Health Care Chiropractor – with a mission to educate the world with the “how” to end chronic disease.
- 2017 Digestive Health Professional Certification – Food Enzyme Institute
- Working toward her Diplomat in Applied Kinesiology
- 2009 Therapeutic Lifestyle Certification
- 2007 Manipulation Under Anesthesia Training
- Coastal Chiropractic Health Solutions – Bonita Springs, FL – Owner
- Fundamental Health Solutions – Naples, FL – Associate
- Fit for Life Health Services – Naples, FL – Associate
- 2004 – Present: 48 – 80 hours per year postgraduate chiropractic training in Chirodontics, Diagnostics, Nutrition and Functional Medicine
- 2003 – D.C. Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield, MO
- 2003 – B.S. Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield, MO
- 1994 – Certified Massage Therapist, V.I.M.T., Norfolk, VA
- 1985 – Edison Community College, Ft Myers, FL
- Florida Chiropractic Association
- Trademark Women of Distinction Honors Edition 2017
- American Health Council – Best Chiropractic Care 2018
- 2001 – 2003 Diplomate National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part I-IV